Altius Building Company Earns WCREW Impact Award Nomination

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F Street GreenLink Residences Exterior

Altius Building Company announced today that they have earned a WCREW Impact Award Nomination for the GreenLink Residences & Public House 55 in Brown Deer, WI. Attendees at the upcoming Impact Awards luncheon on Friday, April 21st, 2023, will vote to decide which development will be the People’s Choice.


“Altius is elated to have GreenLink Residences & Public House 55 recognized as a People’s Choice finalist for the 2023 WCREW Impact Awards. This development truly transformed the original Village of Brown Deer’s downtown area into what it is today – an award-winning community square that residents want to be in and stay. We are truly thankful for the partnership with F Street Development and RINKA. Together we turn blighted and forgotten land into active communities.”


– Scott Drees, President & CEO – Altius Building Company


F Street Development Group engaged Altius Building Company to manage the construction of a new multifamily development in Brown Deer. After the Village’s Department of Public Works vacated their former operations, F Street and the Village identified the site for additional housing units and a community gathering space. The GreenLink Residences redevelopment included the complete demolition of the existing DPW building as well as construction of three new buildings. The buildings feature a beer garden (Public House 55 Taproom) as well as two, multi-story multifamily buildings – 134 units total all within the heart of the original downtown village. Working collaboratively with the Village of Brown Deer was F Street Development (Milwaukee) as the owner and developer as well as RINKA+ (Milwaukee) as the designer and Altius Building Company (Milwaukee) as the construction manager.


“The GreenLink Residences and Public House 55 Taproom & Beer Garden Project was created and realized by F Street Development Group (FSDG) in response to several needs identified in the Village of Brown Deer’s Community Master Plan. This included a new community square and greenspace, an event pavilion, taproom and beer garden to serve as a gathering place for the general public and an amenity for the residents of the two (2) GreenLink Residences apartment buildings. The apartment buildings offer a mix of unit types and amenities that include easy access to the Oak Leaf / Brown Deer Trail System, a clubroom, fitness center, outdoor pool, and sun deck, that were all designed with a contemporary aesthetic and planned to complement its surroundings, foster tenant diversity and suit active lifestyles.”


– E.J. Herr, Director of Project Delivery – F Street Development Group


The annual WCREW Impact Awards recognize individuals and pioneering developments that showcase vision and ingenuity that positively impact communities.

Tricia Shay Photography

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